Exchange Skrill euro to Bitcoin (BTC)

Many people already know that managing their online payments is simple and profitable, and many systems help with this, especially Bitcoin (BTC) and Skrill. But unfortunately, translation between them is a real problem. But she was there until today – now she’s gone.

BitCoin cryptocurrency and Skrill are two of the most popular systems today. The first is of the most “respectable” age (it became known at the end of the last century), and it provides its users with a lot of opportunities, and the second is a development of this century, modernized and modern, with the help of which you can easily participate in trading on the stock exchange, place bets, visit online boutiques and even have fun in poker rooms.

Features of transferring money between Skrill and Bitcoin

Despite the lack of direct interaction between Bitcoin and Skrill, exchange is quite possible today, and you can even make it very simple and fast, but for a certain fee. The peculiarity is that in this case an intermediary is needed who will accept title units in the form of WM units from the client and credit the required currency to the wallet in the Skrill (Moneybookers) euro electronic system. By the way, deposits into this system are made only after checking the identity of the transferor (thus the administration eliminates fraud and money laundering). The next question is where to look for this intermediary?

Who can help you transfer Skrill to Bitcoin?

You can profitably exchange Skrill euro for Bitcoin (BTC) at This link will redirect to a special portal that has information about which exchangers are currently providing this type of transfer, and what percentage they charge for their services. But this portal is the main secret of making transfers simple and getting additional benefits:

  • it is possible to simultaneously see several offers and choose the one that is more economically attractive;
  • all services are arranged in the form of a rating table, which means that the top ones are better (here, of course, there are also nuances – you need to inquire about the absence of additional commissions);

You can get to the exchanger’s site directly from the portal. Most often, in this case, the exchange rate will be offered cheaper than if the user had found this exchange resource on his own.

The correct algorithm for translations

  • We go to the specified portal bestchange.
  • We look at the rating and select the service with the most attractive conditions at the top of the table.
  • By clicking on the selected name, we go to the exchange resource (one, another) and view additional conditions.
  • On the portal page, using a calculator, we perform simple calculations (to find out on which of the exchangers how much commission will actually be charged).
  • We draw a conclusion about the most advantageous condition and, by clicking on its name, go to the site.
  • In the specified fields, enter the requested information (there are always hints here about which fields and how to fill them out).
  • We are making a translation.

In fact, the process is quick and not at all complicated. It takes a few minutes of time and provides a really profitable translation, with quite tangible savings. That’s the whole secret!

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