Fix the ‘No SIM Card Installed’ Error on iPhone

Many times your iPhone shows an error named No SIM Card or No SIM Card Installed. Due to this problem, we are not able to connect to our SIM network due to which our 4G and 5G network does not work and you cannot receive or send any incoming call or message.

However, there is no need to worry, it is not that big. To solve this problem, we have given some easy tips, by following which you can easily solve this error.

How to Fix the iPhone No SIM Error

If your phone displays No SIM error then you can follow the tips given below to fix it. By following which your SIM card will be activated and the network will start displaying in your phone.

Remove and reinsert the SIM card:

Many times we do not insert the SIM card properly due to which it does not fit completely in its slot and the phone starts showing No SIM error. For this, first we have to switch off our phone and after switching off, the SIM card has to be taken out. After removing the SIM card, it has to be inserted again in the phone. You have to turn on the phone again and you can check whether your SIM is now activated or not.

SIM not working due to dust in slot:

When the slot gets filled with dust, the PIN of the mobile is not able to connect with the SIM due to which the phone starts showing no SIM error. To fix this, you have to take out the SIM card from the phone, clean it thoroughly and insert it again in the phone.

Restart the phone:

If this error is coming to your phone again and again, then you should restart your phone once. You will be surprised to see that now your SIM error has been fixed.

To turn airplane mode on and off:

This is the simplest trick. You have to go to the airplane mode of your phone and turn it on, leave it on for some time and then turn it off, this will reset your phone’s network automatically. This will fix your no sim error.

Updating phone software (IOS):

If the same SIM error is coming in your phone even with the above mentioned method, then you will have to update the software (operating system) of your phone. For this you have to connect your phone to WiFi and keep in mind that your phone’s battery should be charged and the phone should not shut down in between. After installing the operating system, update it. Hopefully this will solve your SIM error.

Check if your SIM card is working or not:

For this, you will have to insert your SIM card in any other phone and check whether your SIM card is working or not. Because if your SIM card does not work then it will not work in any phone.

With this you will know whether the problem is with your phone or the SIM card.

SIM slot damaged:

Many times what happens is that the phone slips out of our hands and falls down suddenly. Due to which there may be a technical fault somewhere in it. Such as damage to the SIM slot. So if your SIM slot is damaged then the SIM card will not show so it will not work.

Visit mobile repair store:

If your phone error is not solved by any of the above methods then finally you should go to a good mobile repair person. Who can open your phone and check it thoroughly and tell you about its errors and can solve them.


So till now we have told all the methods by which you can fix the SIM error of your iPhone at home. If your phone still shows the same error then you should take help from technical support or take it to a mobile repair person.

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